
Whether you are planning to do your first Ridge Run or your twenty first, there is a lot of benefit from seeking a little coaching advice from others and doing some training with others.

Training Group Resources 

Big Sky Wind Drinkers

Big Sky Wind Drinkers

As a starting place, check out the local running club.  Starting in May, the club holds weekly fun runs. These gatherings are a great place to meet people and connect with others that may be planning some Ridge Run training.


Bozeman Trail Running Group

Bozeman Trail Running Group

If you do Facebook, There is a Bozeman Area Trail Running Group on Facebook. It is a handy forum for getting conditions for local trails and for finding someone to train with.




Bozeman Tuesday Track Club

Bozeman Tuesday Track Club

The Tuesday Night Track Club workouts in Bozeman are another opportunity to meet people that are serious about training and fitness. The weekly workouts are more geared to 5K speed than specific trail strength and endurance, but many people use these workouts as part of their general fitness and running preparedness. The workouts are posted on their Facebook group page.

Bozeman Running Company

Bozeman Running Company

An additional local Bozeman resource for finding training partners is the Bozeman Running Company. They have organized training runs to prepare you for their events like the Run to the Pub, Bozeman Marathon, etc…




Join Us for some Training, Coaching and Answering Your Questions

Personally, I will be training for and doing another Ridge Run, my 19th. And this year my wife also plans to do the Ridge Run and she will be training for it. You are invited to join us during our training runs.

During the winter and spring, I do weekly trail runs wherever the trails are free of deep snow. This can mean having to travel out into the valley away from Bozeman to places like the Lewis and Clark Caverns. As spring and summer approach, and the Bridger Range sheds its winter coating of snow, I begin to do regular training along the Ridge Run course.

Over the decades, I have informally coached and helped many people train and prepare for the Ridge Run. Some were very first timers and some were experienced but looking for improvement and a breakthrough from their past performances. Results of the people I have worked with have varied greatly: From overall wins, to 2 hour improvements to their PRs, to just being satisfied with finishing.

If you or someone you know would like some help with their Ridge Run plans and training just leave a comment on this page and I will email you back to answer your questions or workout some training and coaching get togethers.

This blog has a lot of information on training and preparation for the Ridge Run and I encourage you to explore it as an information resource.

Check out previous posts in the categories such as Training Guidance, Technique, Race Guidance and the Training section of the Best Of Page.

But nothing is better than firsthand experience for learning from someone that has done it before. So comment below and join us for some training and trail runs this spring and summer.

11 Responses to Training/Coaching

  1. abrollerguy says:

    Help- I live in PA and hope to run the ridge run this August. Any advice would be appreciated. I turn 60 this year and have never ran more than 12 miles
    Looking for any advice on training
    Don Brown

  2. Mark Trewren says:

    Would really appreciate some personalised advice but geared to running a sub 3 marathon. My email is It would be great to hear from you. Best,

  3. Katie says:

    I just found this race and am determined to do it at some point! Any advice for training in FL?

  4. Alyson Haeck says:

    Eeek! Just got selected for my first Ridge Run! I’m nervous but not looking to run it competitively. Thank you!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been selected to run this year and am super excited! This has been something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time (couple years).

    I’m hoping you can give me some insight of what some good training programs you have for a first timer.

    Thank you!

  6. John says:

    Hi, thanks for putting together this great training resource. Running the Ridge race for the first time this year, would be great to tag along on a training run/hike near Bozeman, please email, thanks!

  7. Peter Scott says:

    I ran the ridge in 94, looking to return to form this year.

  8. Kirkwood Paul Donavin says:

    FYI: Tuesday Night Track Club is now called Montana Racing Project – Track Club.

  9. Patrick Higgins says:

    Hey there! Hoping to get into the ridge again this year. Last year was my first and it didn’t go great as a result of lack of training. Trying to get a focused training plan to seriously improve my time.dd

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hi! Please email when convenient. Thanks!

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